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 An evil spirit following me

An evil spirit following me

A tale from my university days…

During my first year of university in Preston, I lived in halls with 4 girls and 2 boys. I didn’t have lots in common with the girls but I became really close to the 2 boys; they looked after me like brothers. We decided to continue living together as a trio. 

In our third year of university, we moved into this house with the white door (see photo). From the moment we signed the contract, I felt uneasy. I felt like the house had a bad vibe but the boys teased me and said I was being silly. 

I moved in before the boys, during the Summer before university started, as my boyfriend lived in the area and I wanted to spend Summer with him. The house was fine and I didn’t feel uneasy so I shrugged off my previous feelings.

Until one morning… I had jumped out of the shower and I was in my towel in my bedroom (the top front window). I heard someone come up the first set of stairs and go into the bathroom. I presumed it was the decorator as I knew he would be popping in over Summer to freshen up the house but I found it strange that I heard the bathroom door creak as it was a heavy fire door. I poked my head out and shouted ’Hello?’ but when I looked down the stairs to the bathroom, nobody was there. 

Then the tapping started on the laminate floor. It sounded like a wire tapping or fingernails. One night, my boyfriend and I were home alone (the boys hadn’t moved in yet) and we heard banging on the bedroom door so loud that it woke us and my boyfriend jumped out of bed to lock the door as we thought we were being burgled. Nobody was there.

The tapping on the floor started happening every night and my bedroom always felt heavy. That’s the only way to describe it. When the boys moved in, they teased me at first until one day Boy 2 (see his bedroom on my terrible attempt at a floor plan 😄) felt like somebody was watching him from the landing where the skylight was so he shut the door. Then something kicked his bedroom door. 

Boy 1 still couldn’t be convinced until his mum came to visit and saw a shadow moving across the bathroom wall when she was in the shower. When she got scared, he began to feel uneasy. He went to bed one night and when he woke up, his bedroom door and window were open. 

So that was all 3 of us (plus my boyfriend at the time) who were beginning to think there was something wrong with the house.

One day, I got a taxi home from work and when the driver pulled up outside, he exclaimed, ”I used to work in your house. It was Brown’s Funeral Home. It used to be joined to the house with the yellow door.” My blood ran cold and I asked where the bodies were kept. He said downstairs (living room and boy #1‘s bedroom) which was interesting as I was only really scared upstairs in my room and the landing, particularly under the skylight. I told the boys but they didn’t believe it until a week later.

I was walking to uni and a black dog sat in the pathway. I was a bit nervous around dogs so I went to cross the road and its owner saw me. He said “Don’t be scared! Come here.” I got chatting to him (his dog gave me his paw) and he asked which number I lived in so I told him 16. He said ”Oh, Brown’s old place. It was joined to the house with the yellow door.”

So that confirmed it. We were living in a funeral home.

This is where the story gets really strange…

After a year, we moved out and I got my own apartment. The tapping followed me. This ruled out all of our friends’ skeptical theories of the tapping being rats in a student house or noise from next door as it was terraced. This tapping woke my boyfriend and I in the mornings, it followed us to his parents’ house and even to a hotel in York. We also heard like slow, heavy breathing. 

During our stay in York, the tapping started on the door, it moved to the headboard, there was a bang in the bathroom and it stopped. The tapping continued for the whole year.

A year later, I went to university again but in Carlisle. The tapping continued and I was miserable. 2 of my new housemates were Evangelical Christians and one night, they invited me to church for a meeting. Now I’m not religious at all but I went along and I ended up telling people at the church this story. They told me that a demon was following me and asked if they could pray for me. I agreed and from that day, the tapping stopped. 

It’s now 10 years later and I’ve heard it once since. Sometimes I tell myself it was all in our heads but deep down, I know that experience was something else.

THE END           

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